Brevon was pretty tough, not so much his 2nd phase(beat that one first try) but his first(retread of one of the most obnoxious bosses in the game) and his 3rd which hits really hard and kills you quickly which makes learning his admittedly not that complex pattern tricky. Hideout is my least favorite easily though the bike battle was cool.ĮDIT: Beat the game with Lilac! I'm not a total fan of how Final Dreadnaught takes up space for the last 4 levels but they're not very long and merciful with checkpoints, though the first one was probably the toughest in terms of actual level design. My favorite levels are probably the city/mall one and the creek, they were fun. Spade killed me a couple of times with lilac until I figured out the ledge trick.

So far the peacock boss killed me the most. The panda girl gave me some trouble too, especially since it's possible to lose like 60% of your health right before reaching her. Serpentine in the creek stage was still a bit tough at first due to the plasma soldiers but once they were done and I got the bike I was able to beat him pretty quickly. Funnily enough some of the fights which gave me a hard time as Lilac and I had little trouble with using carol. With Lilac I beat the the thermal plant and am at the level after, with Carol I beat the hideout and am at the thermal plant. I still feel like she struggles in certain situations but that's to be expected. Evidence shows that an unused casual sprite of the Magister exists within the GalaxyTrail exhibit of the Gallery, which depicts him gloveless with gold claws.I'm doing somewhat better with carol now. It is unclear if these were simply gloves the Magister wears to further hide his true appearance or this was likely an overlooked leftover detail from when the Royal Magister was still previously classified as an avian. Arm Cannon: At some point, Dylan learned the arm-cannon trick from Venom: The End, and is shown using it to fight the Symbiote X-Men in Venom 29. Curiously, his sprite when unmasked in Freedom Planet 2 still shows him with blue hands. Antagonistic Offspring: The leader of the freedom-fighters opposing Codexs reign are Codexs own parents Anne Weying and the Venom symbiote as Agent Venom.He appears to have a beak and his face appears more visible, possibly hinting that he was originally a bird-type of species similar to the Bird Guard who also resides within the Royal Palace walls. In an earlier sketch of the Magister, he is seen alongside Mayor Zao, but the Magister himself has a slightly altered appearance.This refers to an Australian chocolate bar brand, which is also the favorite chocolate of the Magister's voice actor, Edwyn Tiong. During a blooper, the Magister says that he will establish a "Timtams Currency Exchange Program".Why he hasn't removed it is a reason unknown. In the Royal Palace of Shang Tu, there is an arrow stuck in a column that the Magister often stands next to.He'll do whatever it takes to protect his city and his people, even at the expense of his neighbors, though he won't hesitate to assist them with serious matters should the need arise. The Magister is a wise and peaceful ruler who makes many decisions for the people of Shang Tu. Lilac, despite having only just met Milla, cheerfully agrees, sitting down and letting Milla pet her tendrils and reassuring Milla she wont hurt her. His headgear was eventually taken off in the sequel by Askal with brute force, where his face is revealed to be brown with black hair and with four golden horns, golden eyebrows and whiskers. Lilac and Carol meet Milla after Milla saves Carol from a cave-in, and upon finding out that Lilac is a dragon, Milla asks if she can touch Lilacs hair tendrils. He wears royal robes in the colors of blue, sky blue and yellow. The Magister is an earth dragon, though his physical appearance is unknown, due to his headwear leaving his whole face, except for his purple-colored eyes, completely silhouetted, making him a mysterious individual. He is also the narrator during both the prologue and epilogue of Freedom Planet and the epilogue of Freedom Planet 2. He was the ruler of the kingdom of Shang Tu, as well as the commander of said kingdom's royal guard. Freedom Planet 2 - Join the heroes of Avalice as they face their greatest challenge yet An ancient terror has emerged from the depths of the ocean. The Royal Magister is a major character of the Freedom Planet series.